The Embarcadero YMCA, also known as the Army and Navy YMCA, is a 10-story structure clad in clay brick masonry and terra cotta. The building was completed in 1924 and is a landmark that falls under San Francisco’s Historic Resource. At the time of MCA’s involvement in the project, part of the building was leased out to LaSalle Hotel Properties, which operated the Harbor Court Hotel. MCA was first hired in 2013 to prepare a property conditions assessment of the building’s façade and roofing conditions.

YMCA then hired MCA to provide additional surveys, construction documents, and construction administration services to address the recommended repairs. MCA observed repairs such as Terra Cotta crack repairs, spall repairs, central balcony restoration and replacing window sealants. Due to the building being a historic landmark MCA had to review work with a Historic Preservation Planner and obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness prior to any work being done. MCA completed this project in 2018.